Email Marketing System

Email marketing is a core component of any successful online marketing strategy.

The ability to capture website visitors email addresses and personal details, then consistently follow up with these prospects will significantly increase your website conversion rates.

Because The Internet Platform (TIP) comes with a built in email marketing system you don't have to worry about buying and integrating third party applications with your CMS.

With just a few simple clicks you will have a fully functional email marketing system ready to start communicating with your database.

This system can send out large, personalised email campaigns to an unlimited number of subscribers.

The Internet Platform’s Email Marketing System makes managing and growing your campaign and subscriber list so quick and easy because it is all controlled in the backend of your website. No logging into third party websites required.


  • Integration: It is fully integrated with the content management system so you get all the benefits and features of that system too.
  • Templates: Same as you can create templates for your website pages, you can also create templates or skins for your emails/newsletters. Have your graphic artist design your initial email template based on your website branding. You are then able to easily duplicate and/or edit this template to suit your needs.
  • Mail Merge: You can merge your documents with your subscriber details (such as first name, last name, company name, etc.) creating personalised emails/newsletters.
  • No Limits: You can add/edit unlimited subscribers, mailing lists, newsletters/email campaigns, and sending emails out to those subscribers is unlimited.
  • Automated Subscriptions: Your customers/members can quickly and easily subscribe or unsubscribe from your mailing lists via your website/email. This means no work on your end as well as making your business compliant with anti-spam laws.
  • Unsubscribe Statistics: When a customer/member unsubscribes they are asked why they are unsubscribing. Some reasons include: Content not relevant, too many emails, no time to read, Receiving it twice, etc. This allows you to analyse why they are unsubscribing.
  • Import Subscribers: Import your offline contacts and those not in your online database will be added, those already existing in your database will be updated, however their subscriptions to mailing lists will be unchanged to stay compliant with anti-spam laws.
  • Categorise Subscribers: Multiple mailing lists can be setup to categorise your subscribers so you can send tailored messages to your target market.
  • Filters: You can filter your subscribers by industries, regions, age range, birthdays, gender, how long they have been on the database, whether they have opened previous emails or not and whether they have clicked on links in previous emails.
  • Lists: Any list in the database can be merged; orders, memberships, contacts, etc. for example, the membership subscriptions can be merged for a renewal notice.
  • Sending: Send to members that have not received the email in a specified time, for example, send to contacts that have not received this email in 30 days.
  • Batch: The system will send the email to your list in batches, for example, 250 contacts every 30 minutes until the campaign is complete.
  • Tracking: Emails can be tracked when opened and when links in the email are clicked providing you with variable data to analyse what your recipients are viewing.
  • Bouncing: Detects bounced emails and automatically marks the recipient as having a bad email address so that they will no longer be emailed to until corrected.
  • Statistic Report: Produces a report to see how your email campaign has performed in regards to email receipts, opened, bounced, unsubscribed and links clicked.
  • Schedule: Allows you to setup scheduled times for when the emails are to be sent. For example, you may have a birthday card schedule to be sent out every day to subscribers that have a birthday.
  • Triggers: Set up triggers to subscribe or unsubscribe from mailing lists when the recipient opens or clicks on a link in an email.
  • Manage Subscribers: Using the online editors you can easily manage your subscribers/contacts.
  • Customisable Footer/Header Functions: You can customise default footer/header functions such as view in browser, forward to a friend, edit my details, unsubscribe me, etc. for the recipient to utilise.

Latest Software Updates

Update 6.0.6

Fix: When making a change to a page or template, etc. the system did not clear SitePublicURLs.LastCheckedOn so that next time viewed the cache would be updated.

Fix: URLs with spaces could not be found when searching for references in SitePublicURLs.

Fix: Error when logging exception.

Update 6.0.5

Fix: Function GenerateHTMLParagraphs now replaces line feeds with <br/>.

Fix: Error in definition inspector when adding a property or method.

Fix: Clear the property SitePublicURL.LastCheckedOn so next time the page is accessed the cache is renewed with the new IDs.

Update 6.0.4

Fix: Error in Email.SendNow.

Fix: Error in Application.Log.

Fix: Error in BusinessCollection.MergeItems.