Update 6.0.5

Fix: Function GenerateHTMLParagraphs now replaces line feeds with <br/>.

Fix: Error in definition inspector when adding a property or method.

Fix: Clear the property SitePublicURL.LastCheckedOn so next time the page is accessed the cache is renewed with the new IDs.

Update 6.0.4

Fix: Error in Email.SendNow.

Fix: Error in Application.Log.

Fix: Error in BusinessCollection.MergeItems.

Update 6.0.3

Fix: CourseEnrolment.Status and CourseEnrolment.LastActivityOn calculated properties.

Fix: BusinessCollectionItem.CreatedOn and BusinessCollectionItem.TypeNumber can be filtered on.

Update 6.0.2

Fix: Error in checkout process converting IDs.

Update 6.0.1

Fix: Error viewing an object when tags exist.