Update 3.5.2

Fix: The human verification code was not showing for application and collection methods when necessary (no one logged in).

Update 3.5.1

Fix: When an email opened via "View in Browser" the links such as "Unsubscribe Me" no longer worked.

Update 3.5.0

New: When sending an email campaign you can now merge to memberships with specific filters on status, expiry, etc. and the recipient will be the member.

New: When sending an email campaign you can now set up a custom merge to any collection item with a property related to a user. For example, merge to payments and the recipient will be the trading entity. This could be used to send out thank you for your payment letters.

New: When sending an email campaign the "View in Browser" has been added to the email output by default.

New: Can now merge the email subject using expressions in the subject. The expressions must be enclosed by ASP code block tags "<%=" and "%>". However, the expression must still be VB Script for now. Here are some examples:

  • Happy Birthday <%=FirstName%>
  • <%=Member.FirstName%> your membership to <%=Group.Title%> is expiring on <%=PropertyValueFormatted("ExpiresOn")%>

Fix: Unnecessary reloading of HTML for each email sent has been eliminated which will speed up the output and decrease memory and CPU usage.

Update 3.4.18

Fix: When resending an email campaign in the same session it is possible that the recipients will receive it again.

Update 3.4.17

Fix: Modified system folders names in URLs throughout to be in lower case and modified robots.txt to only accept lowercase.

Update 3.4.16

Fix: Robots.txt was blocking scripts and stylesheets from being loaded by the search engines when indexing.

Update 3.4.15

New: Added property Style Classes to Menu Item. This allows you to add CSS classes for styling.

Fix: Found unnecessary recalling of function which would have slowed the application and taken valuable processing power.

Update 3.4.14

Fix: User import scripts received an error.

Update 3.4.13

Fix: Selecting a promotion based on an order when editing a product would cause that promotion to be based on selected items instead.

Update: Rearrange the invoice totals and renamed Total Outstanding Payment to Balance.

Update: Form field attribute names now inline with HTML5 standards.

Update 3.4.12

Update: HTML emails now are sent with an alternative plain text version which is extracted from the HTML.

Update 3.4.11

Fix: Expired members were still getting trading item member pricing due to error in function testing if they were a current member.

Update 3.4.10

Update: Streamlined the "Send Now" action on the Email business object.

Update 3.4.9

Fix: Orders for non-deliverables were including the default freight in the total.

Update 3.4.8

New: Added property "Password Last Updated On" to the User object which is set when the password is changed. Anyone with auto-login set prior to that date will be required to login manually.

Update 3.4.7

Fix: An order with part payment was not correctly processing the balance payment when paid.

Update 3.4.6

Fix: Create Note on User inserted html error into Notes when special character like ampersand was used in the author name.

Update 3.4.5

Fix: Error when setting the Base Culture Code.

New: Added "Set Base Culture" to System Configuration menu.

Update 3.4.4

New: Added display property "Total Payment Outstanding" to the order and invoice.

Fix: The "Pay" action on an order is now available if there is an outstanding payment required.

Update 3.4.3

Fix: The current menu item style was not being set for the home page in some circumstances.

Update 3.4.2

New: Upgraded the HTML editor to the latest version.

Update 3.4.1

New: Property "Is Deliverable" has been added to the product. If only non-deliverable items have been added to the cart then no delivery information is requested during check out.

Update 3.4.0

New: Properties "Dispatched On" and "Delivery Tracking Code" have been added to the order. "Set Dispatched" action on the order will ask for these properties and send the trading entity a notification. A page with Output Type of Email and file name "order.dispatchednotification" is required for the notification to be sent.

New: "Set Received" action on the payment will now send the trading entity a receipt. A page with Output Type of Email and file name "payment.receipt" is required for the receipt to be sent.

New: Can now "Send Email" from an order or payment which will merge with the order or payment and send to the trading entity.

Update 3.3.2

Fix: Change made in previous update to lists that were too wide a horizontal scrollbar appears is reversed due to vertical scrollbar appearing when hover menus appear below bottom of list.

Update 3.3.1

Change: When lists are too wide when viewed on a narrow screen it is now scrollable vertically.

Update 3.3.0

New: Credit card payments can now be processed through SecurePay payment gateway.

Update 3.2.12

Fix: When editing a form on screen 600px or less now has labels above input.

Update 3.2.11

Change: Added a few entries to robots.txt due to entries being case-sensitive.

Update 3.2.10

Change: Properties Required On and Additional Information have been added to the invoice if they have a value.

Update 3.2.9

Change: Start time displayed in booking confirmation screens and emails now hides the time if 12:00am.

Fix: Position property on a ranked object was not defaulting to the next available position.

Fix: Search text was trying to search properties that did not have a column in the database table.

Update 3.2.8

Change: Changed robots.txt to stop the indexing of certain folders.

Change: When the system detects a file not found in certain folders it is immediately returned with the error.