Fix: Added an option for label positioning before controls to the function output of GenerateHTMLForm and GenerateHTMLControl.
Fix: Added open graph meta information for the URL in the blog post and product templates.
Fix: More changes to function output of GenerateHTMLForm and GenerateHTMLControl.
Fix: Changes to function output of GenerateHTMLForm and GenerateHTMLControl.
Fix: Changed the default order complete message to only list outstanding payments.
Fix: Replacing form inputs and selects in a custom form failed in some circumstances.
Fix: Issues to Cancel Times and Cancel Reservations for service schedules.
New: Added Open Graph Protocol metadata to website-blog-post-default and website-product-default templates.
New: Added property to template called Metadata. Use this property for custom metadata. You may use merge fields and the resulting metadata is added to the <head>
tag. The auto-generated meta tags based on existing files (added in Update 3.5.23) have now been removed. You can manually add these if required to this new property.
Fix: Removed auto paragraph feature from the HTML editor.
Fix: Added currency code and corrected order info for credit card via MIGS offsite payment method.
Fix: Corrected spelling of Occurrence fields in Schedule tables.
Fix: When booking for a service the order was not complete and the user did not get to specify users.
New: Can now specify a plural display name on the ItemDefinition using CollectionDisplayName and CollectionDisplayNameExpression. If none is specified it uses a built in function called Pluralize.
Fix: When booking for a service not in advance it asks twice for number of attendees.
New: Meta tags for adding web app to device home screens. If the file with the same name is found in the root then the corresponding meta tag is added.
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json" />
- for Google Android devices. May become W3C standard. See here for more info.<meta name="msapplication-config" content="msapplication-config.xml" />
- for Microsoft Windows devices. See here for more info.<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="icon-76x76.png" />
- for Apple devices.<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="icon-120x120.png" />
- for Apple devices.<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="icon-152x152.png" />
- for Apple devices.<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="icon-180x180.png" />
- for Apple devices.New: Meta tag for application name: <meta name="application-name" content="My Web Application" />
New: Meta tag for associating an image to an article. Uses open graph protocol developed by Facebook. <meta property="og:image" content="" />
New: Meta tag added to block safari from detecting and formatting what it thinks are phone numbers. If you want phone numbers clickable from your phone then they need to be formatted as follows: <a href="tel:+5555555555">+5 (55) 555 5555</a>
Fix: Updated stylesheets to modify system folders to lower case because robots.txt blocks none lower case access to those folders.
New: Can now pay for a service in advance of booking a time.
Fix: Replace a missing file from the file manager.
New: Function on business objects "ToHTML(HTMLToMerge)" which will merge HTML passed as parameter to the object to output HTML.
New: Function on business collections "ToHTMLArray(ItemHTMLToMerge, TopCount, Randomise, Page)" which will merge HTML passed as parameter to the items in the collect to output an array of HTML.
Fix: Searching collections for text did not filter the results.
New: Can now list all visible articles by using the attribute "PageType=ContentView" or the shortcut path "content/" in your URL. This is useful for listing the results when searching the content of the website.
New: Function GenerateHTMLSearchControlForArticleView which you can use to add a search box to the content, blog, exhibit, guestbook and shop views to search for articles.
New: Function GenerateHTMLSearchControlForDirectoryView which you can use to add a search box to the directory view to search for users.
Update: Removed unused / unnecessary spare properties from Users business object.
New: Added the contact details of the trading entity to the purchase order for the supplier.
Fix: Error when adding a product to the cart due to data being reset prior to checking availability.
Fix: Error when adding a new item with one or more selected from multi select property.
Fix: Supplier purchase orders not emailed to correct email address.
Fix: Supplier purchase orders did not include delivery details of customer when drop shipped.
Fix: Optimised memory and processor usage when reading data from the database.
Fix: Added default value to Product Dropship.
Fix: Error adding auction credit to cart.
Fix: Rewording of properties used for filtering membership emails to make more sense.
Fix: Error when trying to edit a user record due to no auction credit (product).
Fix: Error when trying to set a property to a negative duration. For example, -7 days.
Fix: Error occurred when trying to view an invoice with no payment.
Fix: Additional error checks implemented when processing a SecurePay credit card transaction.
New: When an order is placed by a customer, purchase orders are sent to suppliers of products ordered. If all the products for a supplier are marked for dropshipping then the delivery details of the customer are included on the purchase order for the supplier to ship directly to them. This is only true if all the products purchased for a supplier are marked for dropshipping otherwise the delivery details of the licensee are included on the purchase order.
New: The membership approval notification will now be sent to new members of groups which have automatic approval and where a subscription payment is required.
New: The membership approval notification will now be sent to new members of groups which have automatic approval and where a subscription payment is required.
New: Can now submit your bid prices before logging in and buying auction credits if needed.
New: Can now submit a comment or rating on an article before logging in.
Fix: The human verification code was not showing for application and collection methods when necessary (no one logged in).
Fix: When an email opened via "View in Browser" the links such as "Unsubscribe Me" no longer worked.
New: When sending an email campaign you can now merge to memberships with specific filters on status, expiry, etc. and the recipient will be the member.
New: When sending an email campaign you can now set up a custom merge to any collection item with a property related to a user. For example, merge to payments and the recipient will be the trading entity. This could be used to send out thank you for your payment letters.
New: When sending an email campaign the "View in Browser" has been added to the email output by default.
New: Can now merge the email subject using expressions in the subject. The expressions must be enclosed by ASP code block tags "<%=" and "%>". However, the expression must still be VB Script for now. Here are some examples:
Fix: Unnecessary reloading of HTML for each email sent has been eliminated which will speed up the output and decrease memory and CPU usage.
Fix: When resending an email campaign in the same session it is possible that the recipients will receive it again.
Fix: Modified system folders names in URLs throughout to be in lower case and modified robots.txt to only accept lowercase.
Fix: Robots.txt was blocking scripts and stylesheets from being loaded by the search engines when indexing.
New: Added property Style Classes to Menu Item. This allows you to add CSS classes for styling.
Fix: Found unnecessary recalling of function which would have slowed the application and taken valuable processing power.
Fix: User import scripts received an error.
Fix: Selecting a promotion based on an order when editing a product would cause that promotion to be based on selected items instead.
Update: Rearrange the invoice totals and renamed Total Outstanding Payment to Balance.
Update: Form field attribute names now inline with HTML5 standards.
Update: HTML emails now are sent with an alternative plain text version which is extracted from the HTML.
Fix: Expired members were still getting trading item member pricing due to error in function testing if they were a current member.
Update: Streamlined the "Send Now" action on the Email business object.
Fix: Orders for non-deliverables were including the default freight in the total.
New: Added property "Password Last Updated On" to the User object which is set when the password is changed. Anyone with auto-login set prior to that date will be required to login manually.
Fix: An order with part payment was not correctly processing the balance payment when paid.
Fix: Create Note on User inserted html error into Notes when special character like ampersand was used in the author name.
Fix: Error when setting the Base Culture Code.
New: Added "Set Base Culture" to System Configuration menu.
New: Added display property "Total Payment Outstanding" to the order and invoice.
Fix: The "Pay" action on an order is now available if there is an outstanding payment required.
Fix: The current menu item style was not being set for the home page in some circumstances.
New: Upgraded the HTML editor to the latest version.
New: Property "Is Deliverable" has been added to the product. If only non-deliverable items have been added to the cart then no delivery information is requested during check out.
New: Properties "Dispatched On" and "Delivery Tracking Code" have been added to the order. "Set Dispatched" action on the order will ask for these properties and send the trading entity a notification. A page with Output Type of Email and file name "order.dispatchednotification" is required for the notification to be sent.
New: "Set Received" action on the payment will now send the trading entity a receipt. A page with Output Type of Email and file name "payment.receipt" is required for the receipt to be sent.
New: Can now "Send Email" from an order or payment which will merge with the order or payment and send to the trading entity.
Fix: Change made in previous update to lists that were too wide a horizontal scrollbar appears is reversed due to vertical scrollbar appearing when hover menus appear below bottom of list.
Change: When lists are too wide when viewed on a narrow screen it is now scrollable vertically.
New: Credit card payments can now be processed through SecurePay payment gateway.
Fix: When editing a form on screen 600px or less now has labels above input.
Change: Added a few entries to robots.txt due to entries being case-sensitive.
Change: Properties Required On and Additional Information have been added to the invoice if they have a value.
Change: Start time displayed in booking confirmation screens and emails now hides the time if 12:00am.
Fix: Position property on a ranked object was not defaulting to the next available position.
Fix: Search text was trying to search properties that did not have a column in the database table.