Update 3.9.0

New: Can now set the base time zone for the system.

Update 3.8.4

Fix: When re-emailing a campaign when Not Sent To Recipient For was other than Ever.

Update 3.8.3

Fix: Could not copy objects with a filename such as articles, categories, tags, industries and groups.

Update 3.8.2

Fix: Digital items were not automatically sending once a client paid in full.

Fix: Problem with already scheduled automated tasks not running due to invalid parameters attribute.

Update 3.8.1

New: You can now to send email campaigns to recipients again after a specified time period. For example, 1 year might be specified for an annual renewal notice.

New: Email campaigns are now sent in batches with an interval between each batch so that the server is not overloaded when sending large campaigns.

Update 3.8.0

New: New scheduler created which runs on the web application which is intended to take over from the current Windows Service. For the scheduler to work, set the Application Pool Start Mode option to AlwaysRunning. If you cannot access this property set the Idle Timeout to zero or a high number, for example, 9800 minutes (7 days). If the application pool expires the application is ended and the cached schedule is removed and never called. Note: Keeping Session timeout to say 20 minutes will not affect this.

New: System-wide errors which have not been caught are now logged.

New: The system log is now output to CSV which can be loaded via spreadsheet and sorted, etc.

New: The payment method for Credit Card via MIGS Offsite's secure hash method was updated to SHA-256.

Update 3.7.24

Fix: Searchable drop down was not aligning up with bottom of input box.

Update 3.7.23

New: Application.GetView has an additional parameter Inherits which will allow you to create a view that inherits another Business Collection.

Update 3.7.22

New: You can now specify an ID as the default value of an Item Definition.

Fix: Error when specify postcodes to regions in delivery zones.

Update 3.7.21

Fix: Error placing order for Service Bookings.

Update 3.7.20

New: Now adds meta tags (first, prev, next and last) for pagination in Directory and Article Views.

Update 3.7.19

Fix: The ServiceBooking.SendConfirmationLetter would only send when the administrator made the booking for the user.

Update 3.7.18

New: Read-only property DeliveryNote.TrackingURL generated from Order.DeliveryMethod.TrackingURL and the TrackingCode.

Fix: The SetDispatched function will not ask for TrackingCode if the Order.DeliveryMethod.TrackingURL is not set.

Update 3.7.17

Fix: The Available Quantity check returned zero for trading items with options even though the availability was set.

Update 3.7.16

New: Added property FinishTime to ServiceBooking and defaulted to StartTime plus Service.Duration.

New: Added function OpenAsICalendar to ServiceBooking.

Update 3.7.15

New: The following functions will not be executed in the process if AllowExecute returns False. Also, a new parameter BCCMe on each function will BCC the administrator if set to True.

  • DeliveryNote.SendNotification
  • Membership.SendApprovalNotification
  • Order.SendInvoice
  • Order.SendPurchaseOrder
  • Order.SendThankyouLetter
  • OrderItem.SendDigitalItem
  • Payment.SendReceipt
  • ServiceBooking.SendCancellationLetter
  • ServiceBooking.SendConfirmationLetter
  • User.SendActivationRequest
  • User.SendApprovalNotification

Update 3.7.14

Fix: Delivery Country is now required by default in Request Order Details.

Update 3.7.13

New: Function [Set Delivery Method Or Pickup Outlet] will enable the client to recalculate the freight based on their selection, prior to checking out.

Update 3.7.12

Fix: Was not finding the correct pickup outlet in some circumstances.

Update 3.7.11

New: You can now create URL redirects for missing files under userfiles folder.

Update 3.7.10

New: You can now create URL redirects for missing files via the content management system.

New: The system will ask if you would like to create a URL redirect when renaming a file such as articles and categories.

Update 3.7.9

Fix: The user rates are now reset after Request Order Details in case the user changes the delivery country.

Update 3.7.8

Fix: On first time setting the user rates with tax inclusive set to database the incorrect tax would be added to the user freight price.

Update 3.7.7

New: Now the system sets the user freight and tax rates only when accessed instead of on load of the website. This allows for faster loading.

New: When the delivery destination is set the pick-up outlets are filtered to show only those in the country or within 1000km and also sorted by nearest to furthest.

Update 3.7.6

Fix: Getting user geo location failed.

Update 3.7.5

New: System configuration option called Show Tax Breakdown On Invoice. Setting Yes will show how much tax on each item. No will only show the total tax.

New: Added tax included on line items and totals on confirm order.

Update 3.7.4

New: System configuration option for Tax Inclusive as follows:

  • [No] to store and display pricing exclusive of tax,
  • [Display] will store pricing excluding tax but display with tax based on tax rate for current delivery zone, or
  • [Database] will store and display the price including tax. This inclusive price will be the same for all delivery zones.

New: Added tax included on line items and totals on tax invoice.

New: Removed freight per product as a system option.

Fix: When search engine robots loaded the website, setting the default user rates would return an error because their are no browser culture settings.

Update 3.7.3

Fix: Rounded currency data to 2 decimal places.

Update 3.7.2

Fix: Correction to country records with special characters.

Update 3.7.1

Fix: HTTPS Everywhere was not working on short-cut URLs.

Update 3.7.0

New: You can now set up Outlets that are either stores (where products are picked up and/or delivered from) or warehouses (where products are only delivered from). You can assign or create a user record as an outlet. By default the licensee user record is set as an outlet (warehouse). If you have one or more stores the visitor will be prompted to select a pickup location (or not) when checking out.

New: You can now set up Delivery Zones (from one pickup region to one or more destination regions). Freight Rates and Tax Rates can be set for each zone. The system will try to detect the region the visitor is at and will set the default freight rates and tax rates based on that region. From the shopping cart, before they check out, the client will be able to change the default region by selecting a country from a drop-down (and state, postcode if necessary to determine the region) which will update the default freight and tax rates – essentially giving them the correct price before proceeding to check out.

New: Freight Calculation Method is no longer system wide. It can be set on each delivery method.

New: Tracking URL can be set on each delivery method.

New: Freight based on weight is now calculated on kilograms instead of grams.

New: HTTPS Everywhere is now available. You must have a current SSL Certificate before setting this option. It can be set under System Configuration - Configure Website.

New: POP3 and SMTP ports now editable. They can be set under System Configuration - Configure Email.

New: The person booking services is added to the property ServiceBooking.User for each attendee they book.

New: Executing a business object method by submitting a form using method="GET" can now accept the parameter names in the URL. For example, a method with 2 parameters, Country and Postcode, would accept any of the following:

  • &Parameters=Australia,4220
  • &Country=Australia&Postcode=4220
  • &Country_Control=Australia&Postcode_Control=4220

Fix: Updated the HTML output from Application.DisplayVideo for YouTube videos.

Fix: Author select field on articles now sorted by last and first name.

Fix: Sending of the delivery notification will now also be sent to administration.

Update 3.6.16

Fix: Error with Google Tag Manager container snippet.

Update 3.6.15

New: Add property Google Tag Manager Container ID to Templates. When a container ID is supplied, the Google Tag Manager container snippet is added into the HTML output when that template is used for displaying a page.

Fix: Updated the Google Analytics tracking snippet to latest version.

Fix: Updated the YouTube output code generated from Application.DisplayVideo to use iframes.

Update 3.6.14

New: A trading item (product, service or subscription) can have a digital item associated to it and when ordered, it is emailed to the trading entity. To do this you must create a page with output type of email and a file name in the format of digital-item-[trading item file name]. For example, for a product named widget the email page would be named digital-item-widget.

New: Can now use mulitple attribute for file inputs in the Email Form. For example, <input type="file" multiple="multiple"/>.

New: In freight rates when leaving Base Price or Price Per Unit blank will set to Order Freight Price to blank which will display POA - price on application.

Update 3.6.13

New: Card holders name in SecurePay is not a required field but passed anyway.

Update 3.6.12

Fix: Implemented additional response status checks when processing credit cards with SecurePay.

Update 3.6.11

Fix: Implemented tighter security functionality when processing credit cards with SecurePay.

Update 3.6.10

New: Expressions in the Title of a menu item by having the first letter an equals followed by the expression. For example, ="My Cart (" & CartItemsQuantity & ")".

New: A function CartItemsQuantity added to the Application business object. Useful to display in menus as above.

Update 3.6.9

Fix: An error occurred when an order placed but there were no payment methods set up.

Update 3.6.8

Fix: Pages with a dot in the file name would include the dot in the body class attribute. Dots are now replaced with dashes. For example, <body class="cartitems.requestorderdetails"> now becomes <body class="cartitems-requestorderdetails">.

Fix: Client side script was not validating required checkboxes.

Update 3.6.7

Fix: System could not determine if JavaScript enabled on client browser when the site first loaded via a dynamic file name. For example, www.yourdomain.com/contact-us.

Update 3.6.6

New: Use the function GenerateHTMLSelectMenu([Menu]) on the Application business object to generate a drop down for the menu object of ID passed.

Update 3.6.5

Fix: The window overlay would appear on form submit when form invalid.

Update 3.6.4

Fix: The form validator was not validating some controls correctly.

Update 3.6.3

New: Adding the class disable-window-on-submit to a form will, when submitted, cover the window with a semi-transparent overlay making it look as if disabled. In the center of the overlay is a spinning arrow indicating to the user the form is being processed.

Update 3.6.2

Fix: View Port setting incorrect on some domains.

Update 3.6.1

New: Added class ellipse (in base.css) which turns an element into an ellipse shape.

Fix: Added missing styles for new Pick List control in base.css.

Fix: Some styling errors in base.css.

Update 3.6

New: JQuery functions added in base.js as follows:

  • Stick an element to the edge (left, right, top and/or bottom) of its scrollable container. This can be acheived by adding stick-left, stick-right, stick-top and/or stick-bottom classes to the sticky element.
  • Replace the normal scrollbar with arrows that become visible when hover over scrollable element. This can be acheived by adding scroll-arrows class to a scrollable element.
  • Toggle nav sub-menus open/close when clicked. This can be acheived by adding toggle class to a nav element.
  • Form validator (Beta).
  • Pick list (Beta).

New: Styles added in base.css as follows:

  • Class scrollable-x sets the element with horizontal scroll bars.
  • Class scrollable-y sets the element with vertical scroll bars.
  • Class hide-scrollbar hides the scroll bar while still being able to scroll.

Fix: Some styling errors in base.css.

Update 3.5.45

Fix: The licensee website address in the email template was adding the full path unnecessarily.

Fix: Credit Card Via SecurePay requires a Purchase Order No. This was not happening via Process Payment on the application.

Update 3.5.44

Fix: When the links in the email template was generated via a merge field it did not include the full path.

Update 3.5.43

New: Added "Delivery Notes" to the administrator's menu.

Fix: When the logo in the email template was generated via a merge field it did not include the full path.

Update 3.5.42

New: "Open As iCalendar" has been added (to the Service Time object) which will allow you to add the event/class/etc to your calendar such as Outlook.

Update 3.5.41

Fix: When a form was submitted with checkboxes selected and an error the form was not repopulating with the submitted data.

Update 3.5.40

Fix: List articles were listing articles not accessible to current user.

Update 3.5.39

Fix: When no groups are included in an email campaign the unsubscribe did not work. Now it will change the email status on the user to blocked.

Fix: Only the first click by a user on a link in an email is recorded.

Update 3.5.38

New: Can now set a business object property to be calculated. On the property definition set the attribute Calculated to true. When a value is requested for a Calculated property the DefaultValueExpression is evaluated and returned.

Update 3.5.37

New: Whenever an email is sent to a user, excluding those from an email campaign, a note is added to the user record stating that an email was sent with the subject.

Fix: Definition Inspector updated with new formatting and styles.

Fix: Properties of type GroupOfValues were getting an error when no property names supplied.

Fix: Was not formatting properties of type GroupOfValues when the Format attribute supplied.

Update 3.5.36

Fix: When generating content, merging expressions is now performed prior to form controls being populated with current object data. This is necessary if the expression generates form controls.

Fix: When booking a service it now displays the start time(s) in the order item additional information.

Update 3.5.35

Fix: GenerateHTMLControl on checkboxes did not generate a label when required. Also, removed required attribute which forces it to be checked.

Fix: Unknown User Initial Access Point when set was getting a type mismatch when loading from configuration settings.

Update 3.5.34

New: The configuration setting for "Unknown User Try Login First" has been changed to "Unknown User Initial Access Point" with 3 options.

  • Check For Registration: This new option will ask the user for to submit their email address and check to see if it is on the database. If it is they are directed to Login otherwise to Register.
  • Login: Takes the use to Login.
  • Register: Takes the use to Register.

New: You can now dispatch part of an order.

Fix: Changed the category list to display the parent category name instead of "All" when used.