Fix: More changes to function output of GenerateHTMLForm and GenerateHTMLControl.
Fix: Changes to function output of GenerateHTMLForm and GenerateHTMLControl.
Fix: Changed the default order complete message to only list outstanding payments.
Fix: Replacing form inputs and selects in a custom form failed in some circumstances.
Fix: Issues to Cancel Times and Cancel Reservations for service schedules.
New: Added Open Graph Protocol metadata to website-blog-post-default and website-product-default templates.
New: Added property to template called Metadata. Use this property for custom metadata. You may use merge fields and the resulting metadata is added to the <head>
tag. The auto-generated meta tags based on existing files (added in Update 3.5.23) have now been removed. You can manually add these if required to this new property.
Fix: Removed auto paragraph feature from the HTML editor.
Fix: Added currency code and corrected order info for credit card via MIGS offsite payment method.
Fix: Corrected spelling of Occurrence fields in Schedule tables.
Fix: When booking for a service the order was not complete and the user did not get to specify users.
New: Can now specify a plural display name on the ItemDefinition using CollectionDisplayName and CollectionDisplayNameExpression. If none is specified it uses a built in function called Pluralize.
Fix: When booking for a service not in advance it asks twice for number of attendees.
New: Meta tags for adding web app to device home screens. If the file with the same name is found in the root then the corresponding meta tag is added.
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json" />
- for Google Android devices. May become W3C standard. See here for more info.<meta name="msapplication-config" content="msapplication-config.xml" />
- for Microsoft Windows devices. See here for more info.<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="icon-76x76.png" />
- for Apple devices.<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="icon-120x120.png" />
- for Apple devices.<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="icon-152x152.png" />
- for Apple devices.<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="icon-180x180.png" />
- for Apple devices.New: Meta tag for application name: <meta name="application-name" content="My Web Application" />
New: Meta tag for associating an image to an article. Uses open graph protocol developed by Facebook. <meta property="og:image" content="" />
New: Meta tag added to block safari from detecting and formatting what it thinks are phone numbers. If you want phone numbers clickable from your phone then they need to be formatted as follows: <a href="tel:+5555555555">+5 (55) 555 5555</a>
Fix: Updated stylesheets to modify system folders to lower case because robots.txt blocks none lower case access to those folders.
New: Can now pay for a service in advance of booking a time.
Fix: Replace a missing file from the file manager.
New: Function on business objects "ToHTML(HTMLToMerge)" which will merge HTML passed as parameter to the object to output HTML.
New: Function on business collections "ToHTMLArray(ItemHTMLToMerge, TopCount, Randomise, Page)" which will merge HTML passed as parameter to the items in the collect to output an array of HTML.
Fix: Searching collections for text did not filter the results.
New: Can now list all visible articles by using the attribute "PageType=ContentView" or the shortcut path "content/" in your URL. This is useful for listing the results when searching the content of the website.
New: Function GenerateHTMLSearchControlForArticleView which you can use to add a search box to the content, blog, exhibit, guestbook and shop views to search for articles.
New: Function GenerateHTMLSearchControlForDirectoryView which you can use to add a search box to the directory view to search for users.
Update: Removed unused / unnecessary spare properties from Users business object.
New: Added the contact details of the trading entity to the purchase order for the supplier.
Fix: Error when adding a product to the cart due to data being reset prior to checking availability.
Fix: Error when adding a new item with one or more selected from multi select property.
Fix: Supplier purchase orders not emailed to correct email address.
Fix: Supplier purchase orders did not include delivery details of customer when drop shipped.
Fix: Optimised memory and processor usage when reading data from the database.
Fix: Added default value to Product Dropship.
Fix: Error adding auction credit to cart.
Fix: Rewording of properties used for filtering membership emails to make more sense.
Fix: Error when trying to edit a user record due to no auction credit (product).
Fix: Error when trying to set a property to a negative duration. For example, -7 days.
Fix: Error occurred when trying to view an invoice with no payment.
Fix: Additional error checks implemented when processing a SecurePay credit card transaction.
New: When an order is placed by a customer, purchase orders are sent to suppliers of products ordered. If all the products for a supplier are marked for dropshipping then the delivery details of the customer are included on the purchase order for the supplier to ship directly to them. This is only true if all the products purchased for a supplier are marked for dropshipping otherwise the delivery details of the licensee are included on the purchase order.
New: The membership approval notification will now be sent to new members of groups which have automatic approval and where a subscription payment is required.
New: The membership approval notification will now be sent to new members of groups which have automatic approval and where a subscription payment is required.
New: Can now submit your bid prices before logging in and buying auction credits if needed.
New: Can now submit a comment or rating on an article before logging in.
Fix: The human verification code was not showing for application and collection methods when necessary (no one logged in).
Fix: When an email opened via "View in Browser" the links such as "Unsubscribe Me" no longer worked.
New: When sending an email campaign you can now merge to memberships with specific filters on status, expiry, etc. and the recipient will be the member.
New: When sending an email campaign you can now set up a custom merge to any collection item with a property related to a user. For example, merge to payments and the recipient will be the trading entity. This could be used to send out thank you for your payment letters.
New: When sending an email campaign the "View in Browser" has been added to the email output by default.
New: Can now merge the email subject using expressions in the subject. The expressions must be enclosed by ASP code block tags "<%=" and "%>". However, the expression must still be VB Script for now. Here are some examples:
Fix: Unnecessary reloading of HTML for each email sent has been eliminated which will speed up the output and decrease memory and CPU usage.
Fix: When resending an email campaign in the same session it is possible that the recipients will receive it again.
Fix: Modified system folders names in URLs throughout to be in lower case and modified robots.txt to only accept lowercase.
Fix: Robots.txt was blocking scripts and stylesheets from being loaded by the search engines when indexing.
New: Added property Style Classes to Menu Item. This allows you to add CSS classes for styling.
Fix: Found unnecessary recalling of function which would have slowed the application and taken valuable processing power.
Fix: User import scripts received an error.
Fix: Selecting a promotion based on an order when editing a product would cause that promotion to be based on selected items instead.
Update: Rearrange the invoice totals and renamed Total Outstanding Payment to Balance.
Update: Form field attribute names now inline with HTML5 standards.
Update: HTML emails now are sent with an alternative plain text version which is extracted from the HTML.
Fix: Expired members were still getting trading item member pricing due to error in function testing if they were a current member.
Update: Streamlined the "Send Now" action on the Email business object.
Fix: Orders for non-deliverables were including the default freight in the total.
New: Added property "Password Last Updated On" to the User object which is set when the password is changed. Anyone with auto-login set prior to that date will be required to login manually.
Fix: An order with part payment was not correctly processing the balance payment when paid.
Fix: Create Note on User inserted html error into Notes when special character like ampersand was used in the author name.
Fix: Error when setting the Base Culture Code.
New: Added "Set Base Culture" to System Configuration menu.
New: Added display property "Total Payment Outstanding" to the order and invoice.
Fix: The "Pay" action on an order is now available if there is an outstanding payment required.
Fix: The current menu item style was not being set for the home page in some circumstances.
New: Upgraded the HTML editor to the latest version.
New: Property "Is Deliverable" has been added to the product. If only non-deliverable items have been added to the cart then no delivery information is requested during check out.
New: Properties "Dispatched On" and "Delivery Tracking Code" have been added to the order. "Set Dispatched" action on the order will ask for these properties and send the trading entity a notification. A page with Output Type of Email and file name "order.dispatchednotification" is required for the notification to be sent.
New: "Set Received" action on the payment will now send the trading entity a receipt. A page with Output Type of Email and file name "payment.receipt" is required for the receipt to be sent.
New: Can now "Send Email" from an order or payment which will merge with the order or payment and send to the trading entity.
Fix: Change made in previous update to lists that were too wide a horizontal scrollbar appears is reversed due to vertical scrollbar appearing when hover menus appear below bottom of list.
Change: When lists are too wide when viewed on a narrow screen it is now scrollable vertically.
New: Credit card payments can now be processed through SecurePay payment gateway.
Fix: When editing a form on screen 600px or less now has labels above input.
Change: Added a few entries to robots.txt due to entries being case-sensitive.
Change: Properties Required On and Additional Information have been added to the invoice if they have a value.
Change: Start time displayed in booking confirmation screens and emails now hides the time if 12:00am.
Fix: Position property on a ranked object was not defaulting to the next available position.
Fix: Search text was trying to search properties that did not have a column in the database table.
Change: Changed robots.txt to stop the indexing of certain folders.
Change: When the system detects a file not found in certain folders it is immediately returned with the error.
Change: Calendar View now loads Service Times by default.
Fix: Error in Definition Inspector due to upgrade of .Net Framework.
Fix: Error in Service Time object display format.
Change: Start Finish property for a Service Time object now use the upper and lower accuracy values when formatted.
Fix: Error in Users.xls import script.
New: Options on trading items can now include once off fees.
Fix: When a task is assigned to a user, the project will also be assigned to that user, if the project doesn't have a user assigned to it.
Fix: The generic email that is sent when a project or task is assigned, now links directly to the project or task.
Fix: Turned off autocomplete on captcha input fields. This will only affect captcha input fields on auto-generated forms.
Fix: New projects and tasks menu items were only visible to developers.
Fix: Properties or parameters with a drop down list and blank item with No Value Text when selected and submitted returned an error.
Fix: Error occurred after login to access a restricted page.
Fix: Base properties and methods were not available for custom business collections and their items.
New: Import script for exported Outlook (version 2010 or higher) CSV.
Fix: Unable to download CSV file.
New: Task Management System has been added. This system is fully integrated with other systems and requires a license for use.
Fix: Updated the Chilkat library to the latest version 32bit version.
Fix: Updated setup.aspx to redirect to home page instead of Configure Website.
Fix: Updated the Chilkat library to the latest version. The Chilkat library is a third party tool used to sending emails and checking for bounced emails.
New: Any menu items with the same URL as the current page will now have a class="current". This will allow you to style the current menu differently.
Fix: The members price on a trading item is now only used for current members.
New: The class attribute has been added to the HTML tag with a value of either "js" (javascript) or "no-js" (no javascript). This enables alternate styles to be used when javascript is turned off.
New: Class "zoom" added to base.css styles. An element with this class will zoom or enlarge by 150% when hovered over. Using this class with classes "x2", "x3" or "x4" will increase the zoom by that factor.
Fix: When the freight calculation is based on dollars spent it is now calculated after discounts.
New: Can now add a control to a form called OnSuccessMessage which the value will be displayed when the form is saved as an object (PageType=ObjectView). Leaving the value blank will skip any message being displayed. If the control is not included on the form then the default message is displayed.
Fix: When more that one user logs in within the same session time it causes a concurrency violation due to the login process trying to update the Last Logged In date on the same record.
Fix: site map was not generating the product pages due to unable to detect currency because country/language unknown.
Fix: site map was timing out.
New: can now send email (from the Email Marketing System) to database by leaving all included groups as unselected.
Fix: when only the time part of a date time field was required an error occurred when trying to convert.
Fix: change the generator of the html head to output scripts last.
Fix: modified base styles to include html5 inputs.
New: included in base styles, columns can now be x5 and x6.
Fix: Delivery details by default are hidden when checking out for services booked.
Fix: Error when trying to upload a PDF - invalid mime type.
New: Can now set available quantity for each option combination of a trading item.
Fix: Also applied mime type checking to PageType MethodView and EmailForm.
Fix: Error when a file is uploade with an exceptable mime type but no binary signature exists for that mime type.
New: When a file is upload the file extension is checked against allowable mime types. The content of the file is then compared to the binary signature of that mime type if one exists.
New: Website management tools are now called Inology's The Internet Platform.
New: Upgrade to .Net Framework 4.5.
Fix: Attachments folder path now defaults to the business objects' file name if it has one otherwise uses the ID for the folder path.
Fix: When business objects with a file name are renamed the attachments folder path is also renamed.
Fix: When business objects are deleted the folders containing the attachments are also deleted.
This section is used to keep you informed of the latest changes and bug fixes to the Blue Rock website management tools software.
New: Changed install updates so files could be renamed or copied to a different name.
New: Install Updates scripts now can have preinstall information which the user must read and confirm before proceeding.
New: Install Updates now can be redirected to an alternate URL after completion of a script.
Fix: Changed view permissions on administrator menu items depending on whether an administrator, licensee or developer is logged in.
Fix: Removed the automatic focus to the first field in a form. HTML5 has introduced autofocus attribute on the input control to acheive this.
Fix: Modified nav.css to hide title due to tooltip showing same. Also, removed fade in and out of drop down display due to safari on touchsreen devices not able to open these drop downs.
New: Added file manager under content management menu.
New: Updated website styles viewing page.
Fix: When generating the article or directory path with full URL enabled returned an error.
Fix: Moved the nav menu out of the system css file.
Fix: Removed upload status.
Fix: Hid deprecated name properties on business objects by default.
Fix: Page unload method failed when redirected to setup.aspx due to no database detected.
Fix: setup.aspx was redirecting to an invalid URL.
New: Modified lightbox-gallery.js so galleries can be generated where each image is a background of an <a> tag. This allows you to set all the <a> tags to the same size (i.e. a square box) and set the image background to cover makes for a neater gallery.
Fix: Added Categories and Tags as available properties of Product by default.
Fix: Errors in definition inspector and sorted private properties and methods.
New: Definition Inspector now displays all class, property, method and method parameter definitions. You can also edit the attributes for each definition. However the Definition Inspector is now only accessable by a logged in developer.
Fix: Properties of type WebAddress or FileURL with attribute Relative set to false but had a relative URL were linking incorrectly. For example, http://scripts/system.css.
Fix: EmailForm was sending unnecessary fields to administration.
Fix: Generate methods were returning conversion error on missing parameters.
Fix: Testing if membership was current returning incorrect answer.
Fix: When sending emails only current approved members of the selected groups are included or excluded.
Fix: Added testing eWay payment gateway URLs and customer ID as selectable values.
Fix: Updated PayPal process payment to use standard HTTPWebRequest instead of XML COM object.
Fix: When saving a form with an item property and where NoValueDisplayText was set an error would occur.
Fix: When a form was saved item properties were not being disposed properly.
Fix: Article and directory view filters (categories, tags, issues, authors, regions and industries) links will not be followed if already filtered.
Fix: Page number was not included in canonical meta tag url when viewing subsequent page of article or directory view.
Fix: Generation of the site map and subsequent pages in article or directory view were not being indexed.
Fix: The default auto-resize on images and videos when developer not logged in has been removed.
New: A view function to view a user as if via directory. Can also view the logged in user via Application.LoggedInUserView.
Fix: Error when processing recurring payments.
Fix: Only administrators could upload attachments. Now by setting configuration settings you can overwrite the default restrictions.
Fix: Custom pages for object view or method view would get an error when replacing checkbox values.
Fix: Default template was loading instead of selected template for an article.
New: The ToString function of a business object will now use the ClassDefinition.DefaultFormat expression.
New: When using PageType=CustomView on a business object the system will look for the template website-[classname]-default and merge the object to it for display. For example, default.aspx?PageType=CustomView&Collection=Users&ID=1234 will merge the user record with ID 1234 to the template named website-user-default if it exists.
Fix: When multi-payment option is chosen it is displayed in the order confirmation when checking out.
Fix: Client side call to set geolocation did not have access to execute.
Fix: Administrator could not select a different author for an article.
Fix: Outlook import script error.
Fix: Access to set user geolocation was denied.
Fix: Script to call server side function to set user geolocation would not work if user path had sub-folders.
Fix: Error when generating license key when IP used instead of domain.
Fix: Set import script timeout to unlimited.
New: The users current geographic location based on the IP address is now accessible via the functions Application.UserGeolocation, Application.UserLatitude and Application.UserLongitude. However, an IP address ranges database needs to be imported for it to work. There are databases available on the internet, some free while others licensed. An import script has been set up for one of the free databases. See the import script for details.
New: A javascript function (setUserGeolocation) has been made available to get the client geolocation and update the server. This will overwrite the less accurate IP address geolocation. Here is an example usage with true to show errors: Get My Geolocation]]>
New: Application.UserRegion is accessible which is set based on the closest region to the current geolocation.
New: When a new article is created the geolocation and region is defaulted to Application.Geolocation and Application.UserRegion.
New: The directory view or article view can be filtered to the current region based on the currect geolocation via /region/geolocation/. For example,
Fix: Error when generating old author list view for articles due to anonymous articles.
Fix: Error when generating directory view due to wrong object being passed.
Fix: The generate list functions used in merge fields in some circumstances were not giving the correct results due to VB Script passing short integer IDs and conversion did not recognise it as an integer.
Fix: Issues list was not generating all months with articles.
Fix: Not disposing some objects causing memory leak.
New: Issues list for article view will now list only the years with exception of the current or selected year then list months.
New: You can now list users in a directory view. Shortcut URL is directory/. The directory view can be filtered by group, industry, country, state and region. Lists for these can be generated for the side panel. By default the directory view looks for website-users-default template to display the output in.
New: A list of groups can be generated for the side panel of an article view (blog, exhibit, forum, guestbook and shop).
New: You can now filter articles by country, state and region. A list of countries, states and regions can be generated for the side panel of an article view.
New: The article view filter lists (groups, categories, tags, issues, authors, regions and latest comments) can now be filtered by the current group, issue year, issue month, category, tag, author, country, state and region.
New: The directory view filter lists (groups, industries and regions) can be filtered by the current group, industry, country, state and region.
New: The category, tag, issue and author lists generated now include an attribute in the link called data-articles-count which can be used to display the number of articles that will be displayed if the link clicked.
Fix: Unnecessary loading and closing of collections and items to obtain the generated lists have been minimised. These lists should load faster. The articles view (blog, exhibit, guestbook, forum and shop) should also load faster.
New: HTMLDocuments and related business collections have been split and renamed as follows:
New: The Article, Group, Category, Tag and User business objects have a new property called FileName which is forced to URL format (alpha-numeric, dashes and dots only), required and unique. With the exception of the User object, Title has been added as a required property and the Name property is deprecated. A user with the appropriate permission with be able to rename the filename.
New: The Template also has the new property called FileName which is forced to URL format, required and unique. The Name property is deprecated.
New: With the Menu Item business object, the Title property has been added to replace Name which is deprecated.
New: Can now allow new galleries, blog posts, forum topics, testimonials, products and services without the user being a member of a group. See Configure Components to set permissions. When the user has the appropriate access the Add New Article button will show up in the articles view (i.e. Exhibit, Blog, Shop).
New: Categories can now be manually sorted with the new Position property the same as Menu Items.
New: Snippets business collection has been added only with the function GetSnippetContent([FileName]) which can be used to insert HTML into for example side panel of templates making it easy for the administrator to edit without damaging the template.
New: Regions now have the properties Longitude and Latitude with functions to set them.
New: Articles now have the properties Region, Longitude and Latitude if a region is selected Longitude and Latitude will automatically be set to the regions values. Venue Region on services has been deprecated.
New: Permissions on groups and memberships can now be set from All to Developers.
New: When a reset is required after an install updates then it redirects to redirect.aspx which saves the web.config forcing all current sessions to close and reload the new system DLLs.
New: Renamed base aspx files using the URL format.
Fix: System.css styles were changed to display better with the upcoming new base stylesheet to be released.
Fix: Upload status message (upload-status.aspx) was pointing to the wrong stylesheet.
New: Adds the template and article names of the current page to the body class attribute.
Fix: Add New button not showing in HTML Document Stylesheets.
New: Scripts and stylesheets are no longer limited to the local path.
New: The system scripts and stylesheets are no longer hard coded in the base template. They can now be removed or changed if need be.
New: You can now change the default paths where files, images, media, scripts and stylesheets are stored.
New: They system will now generate a datalist and associate it to the input control for fields with selectable values but not limited to those values For example:
<input type="text" id="Country" name="Country" list="CountryList"/> <datalist id="CountryList"> <option value="Australia"/> <option value="New Zealand"/> </datalist>
New: You can now create custom membership status messages for each group. The system would look for a custom page for the current group then the parent group and so on while there is a parent group then look for the default custom page. If a custom page is found it merges the membership record and displays it otherwise displays the standard system page. For example, say a subscriber is approved to a group called "Mountain Bikers" which is a subgroup of "Cyclists". The system would look for the following pages.
Fix: Removed the column Condition from HTMLDocumentStylesheets and added the correct column IncludeExpression.
New: You can now create custom approval notification emails for each group. The system would look for a custom email for the current group then the parent group and so on while there is a parent group then look for the default custom email. If a custom email is found it merges the membership record and sends it to the subscriber otherwise sends the standard system email. For example, say a subscriber is approved to a group called "Mountain Bikers" which is a subgroup of "Cyclists". The system would look for the following emails.
New: You can now add a hidden control named "RedirectURL" to a custom form for editing objects which the system will detect and redirect to that URL after the object is saved.
Fix: Website.Register now sends the Activation Request email to the registrant if "User Login" is required for activation.
Fix: Group.SubscribeNewUser now processes the subscription thru Website.Register fixing the problem of user details being added to the database before they have activated it via login.
Fix: Email address validation was still not allowing certain characters.
New: Can now set the template in the custom ASPX file. In the "@ Page" section create an attribute for example, TemplateFileName="website-with-side-panel".
New: Will now load custom properties added to an existing table. For example, Users table.
New: Can now set the display text of a property with no value. Add a configuration setting called NoValueDisplayText for the property. For example, User.Gender.NoValueDisplayText.
New: Can now have a custom links to Forward to a Friend, Edit My Details, Unsubscribe and the developer image. Simply create your own links in the email template with the following classes. If the system does not detect the Unsubscribe link then the generic links will be created. If the system does not detect the developer image (must have id="DeveloperImage") then the generic logo will be created.
Fix: The generic footer output containing Forward to a Friend, Unsubscribe, Edit My Details and the developer logo now has inline styles.
Fix: Can now preview an email without being logged in.
Fix: Updated the email address validation to allow for special characters in the local part (before the @). For example, john&jane.o'
Fix: When a boolean property allows nothing then a drop down control will be displayed by default with an empty option.
Fix: You can now add a control named RedirectURL to a custom form that executes a method and if the method returns nothing then system will redirect to the URL in the control value.
Fix: Post an Article now checks if the particular article type is allowed to be posted by the current user.
Fix: Retrieving a list of images in a folder using GetImageRelativeFilePaths now picks up JPEG files as well.
Fix: A class definition was being loaded more that one which increased the memory required.
Fix: Now detects additional protocols in URLs. For example, skype:myskypename.
New: By adding the optiontype attibute to an HTML select element as below will convert the control to radio buttons.
<select id="Country" name="Country" optiontype="radio"> <option value="AU" selected="selected">Australia</option> <option value="NZ">New Zealand</option> </select>
Fix: Problem with registering with configuration of Login to Approve. Login details were sent blank.
New: Can now set the Format on a collection property. The format is an expression which is run on the collection with the result return a string to be displayed.
New: Can now mark mulitple bookings used/not used at one time.
Fix: Problem with check availability when booking multiple services at one time.
Fix: Error when sending a custom letter.
Fix: Updated the system styles so multi-select list items text does not wrap and the overflow is shown with an ellipsis.
New: The shop now shows regular price as well as the current price if the trading item is on special.
Fix: Error when adding a product to the cart.
New: Additions made to menu items, scripts and stylesheets to more easily change the position/rank of the items in the list.
Fix: Updated to the latest HTML Editor which fixes several problems in new browser versions.
Fix: When editing an object or executing a method the Boolean properties or parameters were not setting to false when changed from true.
Fix: Error in Javascript when loading a page from another.
Fix: If a method or object is executed or saved via a form, missing controls (parameters or properties) are set with their default or current value.
Fix: When replacing the default FormView of an object or method by creating a page the selectable values and current values of properties or parameters with a type of LinkingForeignCollection will be loaded from the database as are other types.
Fix: Now returns to initial page when calling a succession of methods.
Fix: Now sets email receipt to bounced on certain error statuses instead of throwing an error and stopping the sending or emails.
New: Can now customise the emails sent from the system. To do this you must create a page with a specific name, change Output Type to Email and select an email template for it to go out in. The title of the page becomes the subject of the email. The system will recognise that this page exists, merges and sends that page as an email to the recipient(s). Here is a list of the pages:
New: Can now customise messages output from the system. To do this you must create a page with a specific name. The system will recognise that this page exists, merges and outputs that page instead of the default message. Here is a list of the pages:
New: Can now send an email to service bookings.
New: Can now cancel a service booking and cancellation letter sent to the user.
New: Now displays how much time till the session times out if the form relies on session variables.
New: Now stores the results of the blog directory submissions within Articles.
Fix: Service - List Times would sometimes show times outside specified criteria.
Fix: When a trading item other than a product is added to the cart the freight price and weight are set to zero by default.
Fix: Merge function sometimes got into an endless loop when duplicate foreign collection items were encounted.
Fix: Updated system styles to include nav minimization at 720px.
Fix: Updated jquery to version 1.10.1.
Fix: lightbox.js now works on older IE browser versions.
Fix: lightbox-gallery.js now includes all images in element, not just first level children.
New: Products and Testimonials now work the same as the blog and galleries and can be displayed in article view. They can be access via the following short-cut URLs "shop/" or "guestbook/". Galleries can now be accessed via this short-cut URL "exhibit/".
New: Can now set the available quantity on trading items. For products this is automatically updated when an order is placed subtracting the quantity supplied from the available. For services it the number of users allowed per scheduled time.
Fix: No order will be recorded if there is no need when booking a service. If the price is zero and there are no options then there is no reason to create an order for the booking.
Fix: Site map was not generating with new HTML 5 doctype declaration.
Fix: Sets the residing geographic point when users are imported.
Fix: Change to system stylesheet to hover the description and instructions of form fields in the backend.
Fix: Turn off all beta testers. This is to stop them automatically going into the next beta test phase.
Fix: Change to system stylesheet to hide the background on minimized menus.
New: New category menu generator which produces clean html without the unnecessary class information.
New: Attribute: "AllowEdit" and "AllowEditExpression" have been added to MethodDefinition which determines if the parameters are editable. If set to false then the method will be run with the default values for each of the parameters.
New: When someone books for a service it now asks to specify the attendees even if they have booked for one.
Fix: When the URL supplied passed parameters without a file name it brought up the application details by default. Now it brings up the home page unless PageType=CustomView is specified in the URL.
Fix: Added alt attributes to images generated from the system.
Fix: Removed field Condition from TemplateScripts and TemplateStylesheets due to only effective on IE and replaced with IncludeExpression which is a server side expression with the result determining if to include or not.
Fix: CSS style box-sizing:border-box does not work in IE 7 or below which caused cells in the adaptive grid to be oversized if the cell has borders or padding. Use this style as follows:
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; *behavior: url(/scripts/;
Fix: Navigation system was not show text with a image in the menu item.
Fix: Styles updated for navigation system and backward compatibility for IE 8 and below. Also new border styles added.
Fix: Styles updated for new navigation menu system when menu minimized.
Fix: Procedure to check for bounced emails gets caught in endless loop.
New: Styles added to the system.css for new navigation menu system.
Fix: The nav-menu generator output unnecessary blank items.
Fix: Javascript file html5shiv.js added so HTML5 elements can be used in IE8 or less.
New: Created a set of override cell widths for adaptive-grid.css.
New: New menu generator, GenerateHTMLMenu(MenuID) which produces clean html without the unnecessary class information.
Fix: Function that returns the user culture code generated an error when the search engines queried it due to no culture supplied.
Fix: Can now delete users without deleting their email receipts first.
Fix: Problem with the adaptive-grid.css displaying cell widths incorrectly in certain situations.
Fix: A page not found error was coming up when accessing a pages using short-cut URLs from a secure page.
Fix: Force the table cell spacing for system styles.
New: Added ViewPort to the configuration settings. When this value is set to width=device-width and the website has an adaptive web design then it will be displayed correcting on mobile screens and other smaller devices.
Fix: Alter database foreign key and default constraints.
New: Multi-Currency now available. The base currency can be set to a particular currency by the administrator when setting up the website and that currency will be stored in the database. The administrator can also set which currencies are available and their exchange rates. The system will detect the current users preferred currency based on their culture settings for the browser they are using. They can then change the currency to another if they wish to do so and their choice will be saved (in a cookie) for next time they return to the site.
Fix: When an Email Form sent with an uploaded file to be saved on server, the link in the email (to the file on the server) was not clickable.
Fix: Email Form sent to the administrator is now addressed from the email address entered in the [EmailAddress] field on the form. Previously was from the Administrator's email address. If the field does not exist on the form then it is still sent from the Administrator's email address.
Fix: Email Form showed a zero in the message box when an invalid email address was entered. Now shows 'Invalid Email Address'.
Fix: Rename HTML Document function failed when come across a very short domain.
Fix: Allow connections for a user to be automatically deleted when a user is deleted.
Fix: Index and Follow meta tags were incorrectly shown when viewing backend visible data.
Fix: Unable to output sitemap to file.
Fix: Trading item option names which have been configured are displayed in invoice order item details.
New: Mobile device detection has been added. If a mobile device is detected the system looks for the home page with -mobile appended. For example, default-mobile or user-default-mobile. It can also be language dependent. For example, default-mobile-fr for the french version.
Fix: Incorrect syntax in Canonical Meta Tag.
New: Detects if JavaScript is enabled and reports back to the server on first load if not. It then sets an Application variable called JavaScriptEnabled which can be used to for example to load alternate content.
Fix: Hoverable drop-down menus now work without JavaScript. Clickable drop-down menus still require JavaScript. Use the new variable JavaScriptEnabled to revert to hoverable if disabled.
Fix: Error in clickable sub-menus.
Fix: Error when merging, did not merge all linked items.
Fix: Error when sending an email with the default email template.
New: A new function has been created to rename a HTML Document (i.e. Template, Page, Blog Post, Product, etc.). This function will also search and replace in the website any links to the document. Names can now only consist of lower case alpha-numeric characters, dashes and dots.
Fix: Change to automatically bounce emails for invalid email addresses when sending email campaigns.
Fix: Error when custom form used on a method.
Fix: Security patch for potential SQL Injection.
Fix: Administrator permissions for Upload File, Upload Image and Upload Video.
Fix: When images in the lightbox were larger than the browser they would be cut off. Lightbox images are now resized to fit in the browser window.
Fix: The load and close icons were not showing up in the lightbox.
Fix: Some sites script files were hacked causing visitors to the site vulnerable to viruses.
Fix: Update to the latest jQuery script.
Fix: Adds the class "Current" to the current menu items so they can be styled appropriately.
Fix: Allows administrators to set the date published or leave blank to publish at a later date.
Fix: Allows administrators to set the date archived.
Fix: Articles not sorted by date published in Article View (Blog Posts, Galleries, Forum Topics).
Fix: Error when publishing an article.
Fix: Name not showing when listing articles.
Fix: No access error when completing an order.
Fix: Removed "ArchivedOn is null" filter when listing articles likes pages, blog posts, etc.
New: Can now merge items in list view by ticking the checkboxes of those items you want to merge and selecting "Merge Items" in the action menu. For example, you may have the same user or contact in the database having placed orders over multiple records. By merging the user records not only will the user details like addresses etc be merged but all attached records like orders will come across to the one record.
Fix: In the new Sort Editor you cannot sort by the first item in each of the drop-downs.
New: Can now automatically send a thank you letter when the order is complete. Create an email page called "Order.ThankyouLetter". This letter will be detected when the order is complete and merged with the order and sent to the trading entity with CC to the administrator.
Fix: Security hole found on who can execute certain methods on the business objects.
Fix: Cannot clear image or file properties. A clear action has been added for each of those properties.
New: Can now create multiple image galleries and can categorize and tag the galleries much like a blog post and viewers can comment and tag the galleries.
Fix: The Clear Filter button in the Filter Editor does not work on some browsers.
New: Filtering and Sorting - Now when listing pages, blog posts and most other business objects it will bypass asking for filters and go straight to the list. Once in the list there is now both new filter and sort options.
New: Now by default only drop down selection lists that are not limited to the list use the non-standard combo box.
Fix: When uploading a zip file generated on a Mac to be uncompressed on the server it would fail.
Fix: Problem found subscribing to a group from a custom form. Subscribers were added to the database but were not subscribed to the group.
New: Can now list authors of blog posts and click to see articles authored.
Fix: the action menu and record selectors in list view were still visible even when there were no actions.
Fix: to Users.xls import script.
Fix: Problem with automated task scheduler not running some tasks.
Fix: Problem with URL redirection adding path to start even if already there.
Fix: if a non-image was put in the gallery then the system would try to display that image. Now only displays images with extension jpg, gif, png or bmp.
Fix: when exporting date/time properties the whole date/time would export even if the Lower Accuracy is Day. It now exports the date/time taking into account the Lower and Upper Accuracy.
New: Can now add a custom property which is a group of property values. The Type is GroupOfValues. The main reason for using this would be to create a unique key of multiple properties. For example, create a unique key for Users with FirstName, LastName and BusinessName.
Fix: Error when a property type was changed. For example, from Text to HTML.
Fix: When using touchscreen could not open My Account or Admistration because there were links on them.
Fix: Updated to the latest HTML Editor which fixes the thumbnail viewer of the image browser.
New: Can now add custom collections by simply adding a table to the database. This collection may inherit from other collections. For example, ExtendedCategories may inherit from Categories. The table must have a primary key called ID and be of type Integer. If inheriting then create a one-to-one relationship with the ID of the primary table. Otherwise, the ID field must have Auto-Increment on.
New: Can now add custom methods on all business objects.
New: Can now customise the configuration setting via purpose built methods.
Fix: When logged in as Administrator and submitting new blog posts they were not publishing automatically.
New: Added export function which is available on all collections. Can export to CSV or XML. Will allow you to select the properties you want to export. Will allow you to select sub-properties. For example, Author.FirstName or Author.EmailAddress.
Fix: Tax Invoice showing freight when not necessary.
Fix: Tax Invoice formatting.
Fix: Properties that were set to Not Allow View but Allow Edit were only editable when it was a new object. When re-editing an object the value was overwritten even though it was not edited.
Fix: After configure domain submitted it now goes to About.
New: Added Referral Source to Register and Subscribe New User.
New: Added addtional images to default template for use in shopping cart and when no image or photo available.
Fix: When a new user registers and their details already exist on the database it now throws an error.
Fix: Slideshow and gallery not showing when viewed from blog or forum.
Fix: Comments were not showing on articles when they had multiple lines.
Fix: Error when viewing a page that had no template.
Fix: Drop-down list was appearing well below input due to new CKEditor.
Fix: Added an error message when sitemap generator returns no pages.
Fix: When form details emailed to admin the multiple line text fields would display on one line.
Fix: Auction Management System menu showing when not installed.
Fix: problem with not being able to change the template on a page.
Fix: problem with to HTML Editor file manager.
New: HTML Editor
Fix: to login process.
Fix: to freight calculation method.
Fix: allows limited membership management when CMS is installed. Required for blogging and forum systems. Also, allows users to register when commenting on or rating an article.
Fix: to registration process.
Fix: sets the discount price to zero on all existing orders.
Fix: freight calculation so it shows POA when no delivery methods exist.
New: allows administrator to add payments manually without going thru payment gateways.
New: passes the Order ID thru with the transaction to the payment gateways.
New: can now add forums.
New: each group can have it's own blog.
New: when email addresses are to be unique and a user tries to re-register then an email with login details is sent to them and a message displayed telling them that.
New: when a service is booked additional user email addresses are not required. They can be set to be required via configuration settings and when done so each user is notified they are booked and they are also added to the database.
New: added Promotions to the Order Management System so customers can enter a promo code to get a discount on the order or selected products.
New: You can now set the HTML editor toolbar name for each HTML property or parameter. An attribute has been added to the HTMLDefinition called EditorToolbarName as well as EditorToolbarNameExpression which will allow you to set the name depending on a condition being matched. For example, if administrator is logged in then Default else Basic. The FCKeditor has now 3 toolbars:
New: Added payment instructions to tax invoice.
New: Updates to Auction Managment System.
New: Auction Management System.
Fix: allow for multiple slideshows per page.
New: Each product, service or subscription can now have member prices for up to 5 groups.
New: A property has been added to groups (Set Membership Expired On From Children) which when set to true any membership expiries of the group will be automatically set to the highest expiry of any subgroup memberships matching the member.
Fix: attachments not showing up for business collection items.
New: Can now add custom properties to Users, Groups and Memberships.
Fix: to subscription process.
New: Can now create custom properties on HTML documents such as templates, pages, blog posts, testimonials, products, services and subscriptions.
New: Altered the slideshow generator so multiple slideshows can appear on the one page.
New: Added [Change Quantity] function to cart item.
New: Added a parameter to the system called [Unknown User Try Login First] which tells the system to go to login screen before register screen when an unknown user requests an order for an item.
New: Added [Subscribe to Receive Our Emails] confirmation checkbox on register screen. Only visible if email marketing installed.
New: Returns function Group.SubscribeNewUser so public can subscribe directly to a group from a page without clicking on a button first.
New: When a domain or alias is not in the domain list of the website then it is redirected to the www version if in list else the primary domain in list and returns a 301 Permanent Redirect in the status.
Fix: custom error when page not found it returns a 404 Not Found error in status.
Fix: error viewing orders and tax rate is zero.
Fix: Marks all previous orders as completed.
Fix: error received after processing an RSVP to a service or subscription to membership.
Fix: problem with RSVP to a service when no notification of booking is sent.
Fix: problem with URLs with short file names and parameters. The parameters were being dropped.
New: Replaced the dropdown buttons with a more standard look.
Fix: Stops search engines running the site map generator if a site map does not exist.
Fix: Modified the stylesheet so the email footer with "Forward to a Friend", etc. does not print.
Fix: Modified the script so the delay of the redirection of a page can be set to a value in milliseconds.
New: Added new menu items (Bookings, Orders and Payments) to My Account menu.
New: can now also add a service or membership subscription to the cart.
New: can now have multiple items in the cart with recurring payment options. Tax invoice modified to display the payment options.
New: Modified the order process so that once an order is submitted (before payment) an order number is created and passed thru to the payment gateway as the reference.
New: can now list other products that have previously been ordered with the selected product.
New: Modified registration to allow for confirmation of email address immediately before any further processing is done. This will help cut down the spam that comes from form entry.
New: Modified login to use the standard method call. If the Membership Management System is installed then the Register button will appear now.
Fix: problem with email addresses not in lower case when importing. Import scripts have been modified to force lower case.
New: Modified URL for Categories to handle sub-categories i.e.
Fix: Replaces permissions on menu items for systems converted from Blue Rock I.
Fix: the enquiry form on the [Website Default with Right Panel] template.
New: Added Video Profile to the users profile. Simple paste a link from YouTube to display the video in the profile view.
New: Update to allow Forward to Friend and record who it was sent from.
New: Update to email filters to exclude groups.
New: Update to email triggers to include when openned, links clicked and forwarded.
Fix: missing Star Rating in the blog post template.
New: Updated the calendar for scheduled service times to link to the service page.
Fix: problem with the collection definition viewer.
New: Added meta tag "NoFollow" to links in the action menus so that search engine robots would not go there.
New: Updated the Published On date for articles to include the time of day.
New: blog directory ping service list.
New: allows a watermark to be added to the images in the image gallery. You can set the watermark text, font, color/opacity and positioning.
New: generate a site map and submit it to the search engines. New menu items can be found under Content Management.
New: create robots.txt if missing.
New: Adds a the "generator" meta tag to the document head.
New: Forces redirection to one of the domains in the configuration setting "Domains".
New: Adds a menu item under Content Management for listing ratings on articles.
Fix: to the blog post template linking the "Published On" date to the wrong issue.
Fix: to the problem when no author was specified for a comment.
New: Adds the RSS Feed link to the head of the HTML documents.
Fix: Modified the RSS Feed to show only pages to be indexed and published with user access rights.
Fix: Updates HTML Documents to set "Is Page To Be Indexed" to False on all email and user login pages.
Fix: Adds code to links to stop search engines indexing unnecessary pages.
New: Adds Captcha image to forms such as Subscribe New User, Leave a Comment and Rate This when user is not logged in. This will help to stop spammers.
Fix: problem with website address not updating when new user subscribes.
Fix: problem with SMTP Server connection.
Fix: Removes blog directory ping service list until a stable list can be resolved.
New: Modifications to the way actions are displayed in list and form views.
New: allows visitors to rate pages, blog posts, products and services.
Fix: to blog and commenting systems.
New: blogging system has been added to the content management system.
New: comments can be submitted by visitors on pages, blog posts, products and services if allowed.
Fix: error when trying to save a user profile.
Fix: to auto-update.
Fix: Update to system styles.
New: Update to the HTML editor.
Fix: to auto-update.
Fix: the checking for bounced emails.
Fix: the sort order for news articles.
New: Update to Order Management System can now send invoice.
Fix: bug found when trying to save a user.
New: Update to the latest software and system script and stylesheet files.