Update 4.20.1

Fix: Error when entering TradingItemDiscountPrice.StartOn or TradingItemDiscountPrice.FinishOn.

Update 4.20.0

New: One Time Passcode (OTP) has been added as a new method of Human Verification. If selected as the method, a [Request Code] button will be show and when clicked will request a passcode from the server to be sent to the user's email address.

Update 4.19.7

Fix: Block cross-site form spam.

Update 4.19.6

Fix: Fix: There is now no limit to the number of different cart items that can be added to a cart.

Update 4.19.5

Fix: Updated the Human Verification control for forms.

Fix: Changes to backend.2.1.css to fix search box.

Update 4.19.4

Fix: ServiceTime.BookUsers now asks for any optional extras that may be available (Options1 - Options5 on Service). By default, if there are options available then the number of users is locked to 1 as each user may require different options.

Update 4.19.3

Fix: When a method is not editable all parameters default values are used.

Update 4.19.2

Fix: Error when outputting articles to static files.

Update 4.19.1

Fix: Security issue with file manager.

Update 4.19.0

New: Upgrade to security and user access.

Update 4.18.0

New: ServiceSchedule.AvailableQuantity and ServiceTime.AvailableQuantity when blank default to Service.AvailableQuantity.

Fix: Attachments can now be viewed without going via the primary object if allowed.

Update 4.17.2

Fix: SendEmailForm will no longer send from email address of the user entering the information. If you want to send from anyone other than the administrator, then an input control with type=hidden or type=text, name=Sender and the value being the email address should be included on the form. However the Reply-To will have the email address of the user entering the information.

Update 4.17.1

Fix: When ServiceBooking.Time is update it resets the start and finish time.

Fix: Function ServiceBooking.AllowSendEmail and ServiceBooking.AllowSendEmailIncludingUser.

Update 4.17.0

New: ServiceTime.SpecifyUsers now asks for additional information (if required) for each user such as meal preference.

New: You can now customise the booking confirmation letter for each service. This can be done by creating a merge page named [Service.FileName].servicebooking.confirmationletter.

New: Base styles nav.minimize1080 and nav.minimize1200.

Update 4.16.0

New: You can now change the maximum bookings for both a service schedule and time.

New: When adding custom properties to a service available schedule, the values are copied to a service time when generated, if the custom properties exist.

Fix: Custom properties and methods on the inherited class are now included.

Fix: Duplicate note created when service booking email sent.

Update 4.15.3

Fix: A HTML form with class disable-window-on-submit now on submit includes the message "Please wait while processing..." with spinning repeat icon.

Update 4.15.2

Fix: Couldn't add a large number of items to the cart due to storage size of cookies.

Update 4.15.1

Fix: To open and close methods for multiple service times.

Update 4.15.0

New: Can now Open and Close multiple Service Times at once.

Fix: Error when viewing items of a Future Order.

Update 4.14.21

Fix: Error in Group.SubscribeNewUser.

Fix: Backward compatibity for Human Verification Code on forms to block spambots.

Update 4.14.20

Fix: Found reference to code library based stylesheet in HTML editor which may cause problems with Google's algorithm for detecting malicious or unwanted software.

Fix: Object clean up in BusinessObject.GetPropertyValue disposing primary objects, collections and application.

Fix: BusinessApplication.Item when passing a file name.

Update 4.14.19

Fix: Error trying to update the base path when item is added/updated but the collection is disposed.

Update 4.14.18

Fix: Error uploading an attachment.

Update 4.14.17

Fix: Application.GenerateHTMLMenu(MenuItem, Depth, IncludeURLWithSubMenus) did not include the URL menus with sub-menus when requested.

Update 4.14.16

Fix: Error when confirmation message included an apostrophe.

Fix: When an attachment is deleted the file is deleted if it is in the item's local folder.

Update 4.14.15

New: NameValueCollection.Insert inserts an entry to the collection at the index.

Fix: LinkingForeignCollectionDefinitionAttribute.ConvertValue returning invalid collection.

Fix: GenerateHTMLVideo output of YouTube iframe.

Update 4.14.14

Fix: BusinessCollection.FilterOnIDOrFileNames returning error.

Fix: FormatToJSONString added additional character replacements.

Update 4.14.13

Fix: FutureOrder.Confirm returning error.

Update 4.14.12

Fix: BusinessCollectionItem.DefaultRange not returning correct value when custom property is the range property.

Fix: GenerateHTMLVideo updated YouTube URL.

Update 4.14.11

Fix: Cart items doubling.

Fix: FutureOrder.Confirm returning error.

Fix: BusinessCollection.ToString not removing custom prefixes when no items or 1 item.

Update: Updated Administration Menu to remove unwanted items and add tags, tag sets to product catalogue and incomplete orders to order management.