Update 5.21.1

New: Memberships.FilterByGroup and Memberships.FilterByMember.

New: Article.PublishingStatus added on database to enable sorting. The sort on articles now defaults to [PublishingStatus],[FileName].

Fix: Error when non-admin publishes an article.

Fix: User.AuthoredDocuments name changed to User.AuthoredArticles.

Fix: When new user option is selected in Website.SelectUser it still goes to check for registration if that is the default. If admin is logged in and the email address is found in the database, the system automatically selects that user.

Fix: RSS feed not working on website.

Fix: Error adding a SecurePayPaymentMethod.

Fix: XML output returning multiple declarations.

Fix: BusinessCollection.Import.

Fix: BusinessCollection.ToHTML not merging ItemTemplate element an article.

Fix: Styles updated to show item counts on filter menus.

Fix: Type not changing in definition inspector.