Update 3.5.42

New: "Open As iCalendar" has been added (to the Service Time object) which will allow you to add the event/class/etc to your calendar such as Outlook.

Update 3.5.41

Fix: When a form was submitted with checkboxes selected and an error the form was not repopulating with the submitted data.

Update 3.5.40

Fix: List articles were listing articles not accessible to current user.

Update 3.5.39

Fix: When no groups are included in an email campaign the unsubscribe did not work. Now it will change the email status on the user to blocked.

Fix: Only the first click by a user on a link in an email is recorded.

Update 3.5.38

New: Can now set a business object property to be calculated. On the property definition set the attribute Calculated to true. When a value is requested for a Calculated property the DefaultValueExpression is evaluated and returned.

Update 3.5.37

New: Whenever an email is sent to a user, excluding those from an email campaign, a note is added to the user record stating that an email was sent with the subject.

Fix: Definition Inspector updated with new formatting and styles.

Fix: Properties of type GroupOfValues were getting an error when no property names supplied.

Fix: Was not formatting properties of type GroupOfValues when the Format attribute supplied.

Update 3.5.36

Fix: When generating content, merging expressions is now performed prior to form controls being populated with current object data. This is necessary if the expression generates form controls.

Fix: When booking a service it now displays the start time(s) in the order item additional information.

Update 3.5.35

Fix: GenerateHTMLControl on checkboxes did not generate a label when required. Also, removed required attribute which forces it to be checked.

Fix: Unknown User Initial Access Point when set was getting a type mismatch when loading from configuration settings.

Update 3.5.34

New: The configuration setting for "Unknown User Try Login First" has been changed to "Unknown User Initial Access Point" with 3 options.

  • Check For Registration: This new option will ask the user for to submit their email address and check to see if it is on the database. If it is they are directed to Login otherwise to Register.
  • Login: Takes the use to Login.
  • Register: Takes the use to Register.

New: You can now dispatch part of an order.

Fix: Changed the category list to display the parent category name instead of "All" when used.

Update 3.5.33

Fix: Added an option for label positioning before controls to the function output of GenerateHTMLForm and GenerateHTMLControl.

Fix: Added open graph meta information for the URL in the blog post and product templates.

Update 3.5.32

Fix: More changes to function output of GenerateHTMLForm and GenerateHTMLControl.

Update 3.5.31

Fix: Changes to function output of GenerateHTMLForm and GenerateHTMLControl.

Update 3.5.30

Fix: Changed the default order complete message to only list outstanding payments.

Fix: Replacing form inputs and selects in a custom form failed in some circumstances.

Update 3.5.29

Fix: Issues to Cancel Times and Cancel Reservations for service schedules.

Update 3.5.28

New: Added Open Graph Protocol metadata to website-blog-post-default and website-product-default templates.

Update 3.5.27

New: Added property to template called Metadata. Use this property for custom metadata. You may use merge fields and the resulting metadata is added to the <head> tag. The auto-generated meta tags based on existing files (added in Update 3.5.23) have now been removed. You can manually add these if required to this new property.

Fix: Removed auto paragraph feature from the HTML editor.

Update 3.5.26

Fix: Added currency code and corrected order info for credit card via MIGS offsite payment method.

Fix: Corrected spelling of Occurrence fields in Schedule tables.

Update 3.5.25

Fix: When booking for a service the order was not complete and the user did not get to specify users.

Update 3.5.24

New: Can now specify a plural display name on the ItemDefinition using CollectionDisplayName and CollectionDisplayNameExpression. If none is specified it uses a built in function called Pluralize.

Fix: When booking for a service not in advance it asks twice for number of attendees.

Update 3.5.23

New: Meta tags for adding web app to device home screens. If the file with the same name is found in the root then the corresponding meta tag is added.

  • <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json" /> - for Google Android devices. May become W3C standard. See here for more info.
  • <meta name="msapplication-config" content="msapplication-config.xml" /> - for Microsoft Windows devices. See here for more info.
  • <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="icon-76x76.png" /> - for Apple devices.
  • <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="icon-120x120.png" /> - for Apple devices.
  • <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="icon-152x152.png" /> - for Apple devices.
  • <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="icon-180x180.png" /> - for Apple devices.

New: Meta tag for application name: <meta name="application-name" content="My Web Application" />

New: Meta tag for associating an image to an article. Uses open graph protocol developed by Facebook. <meta property="og:image" content="http://www.yoursite.com/myimage.jpg" />

Update 3.5.22

New: Meta tag added to block safari from detecting and formatting what it thinks are phone numbers. If you want phone numbers clickable from your phone then they need to be formatted as follows: <a href="tel:+5555555555">+5 (55) 555 5555</a>

Update 3.5.21

Fix: Updated stylesheets to modify system folders to lower case because robots.txt blocks none lower case access to those folders.

Update 3.5.20

New: Can now pay for a service in advance of booking a time.

Update 3.5.19

Fix: Replace a missing file from the file manager.

Update 3.5.18

New: Function on business objects "ToHTML(HTMLToMerge)" which will merge HTML passed as parameter to the object to output HTML.

New: Function on business collections "ToHTMLArray(ItemHTMLToMerge, TopCount, Randomise, Page)" which will merge HTML passed as parameter to the items in the collect to output an array of HTML.

  • TopCount: is the number of items to output. -1 for all.
  • Randomise: if true will shuffle the items in the collection before outputing the TopCount.
  • Page: the first item to output will be (Page - 1) x TopCount + 1.

Update 3.5.17

Fix: Searching collections for text did not filter the results.

Update 3.5.16

New: Can now list all visible articles by using the attribute "PageType=ContentView" or the shortcut path "content/" in your URL. This is useful for listing the results when searching the content of the website.

New: Function GenerateHTMLSearchControlForArticleView which you can use to add a search box to the content, blog, exhibit, guestbook and shop views to search for articles.

New: Function GenerateHTMLSearchControlForDirectoryView which you can use to add a search box to the directory view to search for users.

Update: Removed unused / unnecessary spare properties from Users business object.

Update 3.5.15

New: Added the contact details of the trading entity to the purchase order for the supplier.

Update 3.5.14

Fix: Error when adding a product to the cart due to data being reset prior to checking availability.

Update 3.5.13

Fix: Error when adding a new item with one or more selected from multi select property.